
Lachlan Mason is a bass/baritone singer based in Toronto. He is passionate about choral singing and believes choral music has the ability to enrich communities through the combination of harmony and storytelling.

Since he was six Lachlan has sang in a variety of styles, particularly sacred and gospel as well as folksong and secular art music. He has sang in a range of groups in Melbourne from chamber choirs, church choirs to small a cappella groups.

Lachlan especially enjoys singing sacred polyphony and 18th/19th century mass settings as well as international music which explores global stories and perspectives. He is often collaborating with local composers working on new compositions in the hope of constantly evolving the choral landscape.

Lachlan has previously held leadership positions in choirs where he has organised concerts, bolstered membership talent, facilitated tours to national choral festivals, improved the choirs digital presence and online music identity.